Saturday, September 11, 2010

Child Care Is So Hard to Find

September 10, 2010

"Minnie Mouse watch - Natalie"

This is an important topic among today's dual income familes where competing schedules oftimes create impromptu child care solutions. Only a few hours earlier, we encountered an objection from a school to the parents' solution of their problem: dropping the child/ren at school at 7:00 a.m. As school does not officially begin until 7:50, who would think it a problem for those school employees arriving a bit early to supervise these kids? Apparently the school principal did.

These parents are creative. Sure, many, many children watch Mickey Mouse, Minnie Mouse and other cartoon characters as quiet entertainment while mommy and daddy pursue other activities, some with each other. But why not turn the process around? Have the cartoon character watch the children. The cost is minimal. The children are familiar with the care giver. And Minnie? She's certainly old enough to be responsible.

We salute creative solutions to today's problems. However, we would caution against using Bluto or Mr. Crabb.

The Book Drop Columnist

Friday, September 10, 2010

May 15, 2010

" 2 shirts - jama/pjs

2 pants

2 bras

2 underwear

1 toothbrush

1 hair brush



2 socks


phone charger"

That's some list you've put together. While it looks like you've thought of almost everything (except deodorant and toothpaste, which are glaring omissions), we're hoping the trip is a short one. Otherwise you'll be into repeats.

And by "2 socks" you do mean two pairs, right?

Have a safe but short trip, kid!

The Book Drop Columnist

April 10, 2010

"Difficult Problem

Mosa Bev Dale at City Liquor. Unhappy w/ last rep/communication. False promises.

Greatest Strength

Greatest Weakness"

Wow. Where to begin? We commend you for laying out the issues confronting you and your efforts at analyzing them. Have you tried AA? While attempting to purchase liquor in an inebriated state may seem like a good idea, from the perspective of others, say, Dale at City Liquor, it often leads to unhappy and non-productive encounters. These occasionally lead to rides downtown in the back of a police cruiser. Communication, while intoxicated, is iffy at best and provocative at worst.

That said, introspective is a good thing and you've made a start. Now, if you could find a strength, if only one, and prioritize your weaknessess from the lengthy list, you might, just might, start down the path to self awareness. On the other hand, it may simply be another trip to City Liquor.

Here's looking at you, kid!

The Book Drop Columnist

Our Public

In a fast paced world of instant communication, some people are left out though they too have a need to present their views, their problems and seek response. On occasion, this minority attempts to reach out through missives left in the library drop box.

In a sincere effort to assist and reach out to these forgotten people, I or, rather, the royal we, reply to them with what is hopefully insight, compassion and direction. This blog is our attempt to share with many the hopes, fears and aspirations of a few. As there is no timetable for receipt of these cries for help, future postings will happen as they happen. However, in the interim, we will share what may be described as "The Best of The Book Drop Columnist".